Leyendecker, Joseph C.

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Price: $25,000.00

Description:  Studies of World War II officers

Comment: A fine example of a J.C. Leyendecker ’study canvas.’ Too often, in the 70+ years since the artist’s death, these large canvases tend to be cut apart… here’s your chance to own a complete one and in the hopes that you’ll keep it that way.  Depicted are General Douglas MacArthur, General George Patton and Admiral Frederick Horne. 

Price: $25,000  (includes domestic shipping)


Artist Joseph C. Leyendecker (1874-1951)
Condition Very good… slightly loose from original stretcher bars in a couple places, not framed.
Medium Oil on canvas
Publication Information Not published in this form. Preliminary ‘study’ canvas for four works from Leyendecker’s World War II Timken Roller Bearings series.
Signature Not signed lower right
Size 31 x 24”